My dream was to take my experiences, tragedies, and traumas and turn them into positive experiences that I share with the world in hopes of helping people live the life they desire, dream of, and deserve. And I have done just that.
I have helped countless people worldwide heal their marriages, relationships, and themselves and transform them into healthy and happy couples and people!
Through my courses, webinars, 1:1 coaching, and group coaching I have been able to save marriages, relationships, and people!
In Love & An Abundance Of Gratitude,
"My spouse and I have been married for over 25 years. Heather’s knowledge, skills & expertise helped both of us improve our communication styles & ultimately our marriage.
For just 1 example (there are too many strategies to name), we now use a catchphrase as a couple to signal an unkind or hurtful topic. This honest & effective “pause button” provided skillfully by Heather; has significantly improved us & our communication as a couple."
I feel the valuable tools Heather Carter shares in individual, joint sessions & homework/exercises allow couples to positively see each other, their individual needs, their joint successes and improves marriage.
I can't thank her enough! I thought my marriage was over. But not is it not over, it is thriving!
"When I had my first call with Heather, my life was crashing down all around me. I felt like a passenger, along for the ride while everything around me was descending into chaos.
I was blind to what was happening right in front of my eyes. My wife had shut herself off from me, both emotionally and physically, and was engaging in multiple affairs at work. We lived in a great house in a wonderful neighborhood, but we were drowning in debt. I was miserable and it was affecting my relationship with my children. I thought my life was over and I was in deep despair.
Through my work with Heather, I rediscovered myself and got my voice back. The fog lifted and I could see things clearly, perhaps for the first time. I was being manipulated by my lying and cheating spouse, and being blamed for everything wrong with our relationship while I fought desperately to repair it to keep our family together. My friends and family supported me, but they saw the physical, mental, and emotional toll this was having on me. They tried convincing me to leave the relationship but Heather gave me the tools and strength to exhaust every last option before making that decision.
I still believe that the relationship could have been saved, but it takes two people to make a marriage and all my effort was only met with more resistance from my wife.I can walk away knowing that I did everything I could and with my integrity intact, and that is a direct result of Heather's support and encouragement.
Now that I am moving forward with my life, Heather continues to be my biggest supporter and takes as much pleasure in my victories as I do. I am astounded when I think about how far I have come and how much I have grown in such a short period of time.
Heather supported me, pushed me, held me accountable, and without her help I would be still stuck in the sunken place I had been living in. I am incredibly grateful for everything she has done to help me, and I am so happy knowing she will help many others.”
"Heather has helped me immensely through my anxiety process and changing my mindset. Through Heather's course my life has dramatically changed. Not only has my anxiety been healed, but I found myself, I have been promoted, and found the one!"
Taking courses from Heather is the best thing I have ever done for myself! I started by taking one of her workshops. I left that workshop feeling like a new woman, I didn’t realize how much I needed all that I learned that one evening. I then came upon the course I just recently finished, The Ultimate U. Heathers material that she brings to her course is SO SO thought provoking and life changing. It was not easy for me to sit down and ponder about some of these things that I would never have thought about, and it leads to more and more self-awareness and growth!! Heathers courses are filled with endless valuable information. Her passion, wisdom, love, humor all shine bright as she guided me through this course and I am a new person because of it. Heather is no bullshit and she will push you and stretch you but always with love and compassion.
Heather's coaching, courses, and everything she does changes lives, it changed mine dramatically. I landed my dream job and true love. I went from living in fear and anxiety every day to finding peace and happiness, no matter what was happening around me. Give yourself the gift of Heather, and find the success
Heather helped me heal, changed my thoughts and outlook on daily routines, balanced the highs and lows, and gained a lifelong friend. Change is always hard but rewarding with the right tools and guidance to reach those goals and Heather helped me start my whole mind and body transformation. She has completely transformed my life. Because of Heather, I had the confidence and courage to start my own business, found love, and I have a whole new outlook on lif,e and feel amazing.
Heather has made a big impact in my day-to-day perspective, my marriage, and all my relationships. She has challenged my thinking and self-limitations in ways no one has. I could tell from day one, she really cared about me and my family and wanted to help. It took a lot of hard work from me and my husband, but our time with Heather has changed our marriage greatly. She is honest and won't listen to excuses; she does a great job of sifting through the surface issues to get to the root of the conflict. Then she builds you up by enforcing respect, confidence, and a positive outlook. I am able to see my husband for who he is and honor that each day while honoring my own values and goals. I am in control of my own happiness and feel much more fulfilled in everything I choose to do. Thank you for your constant support and for sharing your endless knowledge!
My journey through codependency had many ups and downs, and it was painful. I couldn’t break the codependent pattern within my family and romantic relationships. I worked with Heather healing my past and codependency. Pushing through was very difficult, at times, but so worth it in the end. I finally have broken free of codependency and my past traumas. I am so grateful to Heather and all her work with me!
Heather changed my life! My business, my relationships, my finances, and I have never felt better. I can't thank her enough. I didn't know what to expect. What she did for me and my life was profound. Her program will blow your mind! Start today.
If you're ready and willing to put in the work to love yourself, your partner, and your marriage to the best of your abilities, then Heather is the person for you. She does extremely well with listening, explaining, and giving you an unbiased fresh perspective on the issue at hand. She's prompt, professional, relatable, and unequivocally passionate about helping others. Heather has helped revitalize the communication in my marriage and I couldn't be happier. Thank you!
Heather helped me find my true happiness and true self by loving me, and challenging me to believe in my own self-worth. She helped improve every relationship I hold dear- my self, my marriage, and my family. If you’re ready to dig deep, resolve all excuses, and change your life, she’ll coach you to it.
© 2025 Heather Carter