Lean Into Your Power and Live the Life You Desire and Dream of! You are worthy...It starts here: The Relationship Sanctuary!

I recommend reading through the entire page and watching the video! 


Immature love says, "I love you because I need you." Mature love says, "I don't need you, but I want you because I love you."

 So, How Does This Work?

The Relationship Sanctuary is a community unlike any other, offering a haven for those seeking solace from relationship strife, anxiety, and disconnect.

→ You will find 4 healing circles catering to every aspect of relationships: marriage/relationships, dating, divorce/breakups, and healing. SEE BELOW for in-depth circle information. 

→ You will also find circles for Guided Meditations, Super Challenges, and Resources with over 30 PDF workbooks & worksheets that Heather has created over the span of her career. More are added every month.

→ You can access all four circles. I suggest every member check out the healing circle, and whatever circumstances they are in at this moment will guide them to other circles.

It is time to stop living in sadness, anxiety, anger, or fear in your marriage or relationship or because of a divorce or breakup. 


The Healing Circle...

One will find refuge from the scars of past traumas and heartbreaks. We unravel the layers of pain and sorrow that have long been buried within. Through shared empathy and understanding, we embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery, reclaiming our worth and dignity and transforming our lives.

What's Inside: 

  • Break free from the cycle of sadness, worthlessness, and confusion, and discover the power of healing to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. 
  • Overcome toxic relationships, imposter syndrome, and coping mechanisms by delving into the root causes of your pain and embracing true self-acceptance.
  • Navigate the complexities of trauma, abuse, and dysfunction from your past, finding healing and liberation from old wounds.
  • Engage with powerful practices such as inner child work, forgiveness, meditation, and reframing negative thoughts, unlocking your potential for growth and resilience. 
  • Transform your attachment style, cultivate positive thinking, and create a life filled with love, peace, and connection.

The Relationship and Marriage Circle...

Individuals or couples will find guidance and support to navigate the challenges of commitment and intimacy. They delve deep into the intricacies of communication and understanding, learning to nurture their bond amidst the chaos of everyday life. 

What's Inside:

  • Break free from the destructive cycle of resentment and anger that's been building up.
  • Learn to navigate the Drama Triangle and Fear Dance and transform anxiety and depression into hope and faith.
  • Gain insights into the dynamics of control and avoidance, and discover how to create a safe and nurturing space for both partners.
  • Explore strategies to address emotional and physical affairs and rebuild trust, fostering genuine intimacy and connection.
  • Overcome defensiveness, passive-aggressiveness, and narcissistic tendencies, fostering open communication and understanding.
  • Find solace and support as you navigate the journey towards healing, knowing that you're not alone in your struggles.

The Dating Circle...

🤍 In The Dating Circle, hopeful hearts will find advice and encouragement as we venture into the unpredictable dating world. Finding solace in knowing they are not alone in their quest for companionship is joyous—your ultimate guide and place to navigating the complexities of modern dating and finding the love you deserve.

What's Inside:

  • Break free from the endless cycle of checking phones and feeling anxious about rejection.
  • Learn valuable insights into playing the dating game with confidence and finesse, regardless of your experience level.
  • Discover the secrets to being a great conversationalist and dressing for confidence, enhancing self-assurance.
  • Navigate the dating world with ease, identifying both red flags and green flags in potential partners.
  • Overcome the exhaustion of planning dates and the uncertainty of how they will go, finding support and solidarity within our community of like-minded singles.
  • Explore topics such as attachment styles, rejection, and letting go, empowering yourself to embrace and heal for a successful dating journey.

The Divorce/BreakUp Circle...

Here, no one is judged for the failure of their marriages but uplifted for their courage to face the unknown.

What's Inside:

  • Break free from the cycle of anxiety and stress, and find understanding and support among those who have walked a similar path.
  • Process your emotions and move beyond regret, resentment, and confusion toward a future filled with peace and clarity.
  • Connect with others who understand your struggles and can offer empathy, friendship, and a sense of belonging. 
  • Join a community dedicated to fostering healing, growth, and resilience to avoid the pitfalls of isolation and bitterness.
  • Live Weekly Teachings by Heather and Special Guests  
  • Each circle has its own community where members can connect with each other and post questions, tips, and support. (Priceless)
  • Members have access and the choice to be a part of all 4 core communities, plus access to the Guided Meditation and Super Challenge communities. 
  • You will have immediate access to The Resource Center where you will find over 30 workbooks, worksheets, and journal prompts that Heather shares with her 1:1 clients 
  • Heather will be adding 2-3 new workbooks, worksheets, and journal prompts every month
  • Free access to all future Workshops and Masterclasses 
  • There are free monthly challenges for all community members  
  • Monthly Book Club
  • Monthly Office Hours: Heather is open and live every month for two hours to answer questions from members
  • 50% off on all future DIY courses 
  • 30% off all group courses led by Heather 
  • 30% off all retreats; the first one is in the planning stages now! 
Yes! I Am Ready To Get Started!

Feeling the love: Testimonials...

Abi Bee


“I began the 'How to unlock your attachment style course' hoping to do just that, having reached a point in my life, and relationships, where I was beginning to wonder where I might be going wrong. Not only has the course helped me to work out what my attachment style is and why it is what it is, it has given me so much more. There are layers upon layers in this course and Heather has structured it perfectly so that each step is almost a building block to the next layer. It felt, at times, as if one door were being unlocked after another.

There wasn't a single aspect of the course that wasn't thought-provoking and massively helpful - I filled three and a half journals full of notes and observations from working through the activities in the course. Completing the Inner Child timeline was a massive thing for me and helped me to piece a lot of things together and gain a better understanding. Learning how to forgive and turn grievance into gratitude was another area of the course that has changed my way of thinking. Setting boundaries too - something I hadn't really done and didn't realise the importance of.

I honestly had so many lightbulb moments about myself, my relationships and the role I played in relationships, some of which brought me to tears - the lesson 'What connects all of us - unlock your secret to love,' was one of those moments, as was the lesson on self-limiting beliefs - what a life changer! Even the understanding of how the conscious and subconscious minds operate was mind-blowing for me.

There's absolutely no way I could have come to the understanding I now have through reading books or listening to podcasts alone - it would have taken me years! Heather's knowledge, insight, understanding and empathy are limitless. The group online meet-ups and 1:1s were indispensable. I gained so much from these interactions and was able to let go of the shame that had gripped me for so long. For the first time, at 56, I have boundaries, I have self-love, I am becoming more resilient and know my worth and I feel more at peace with myself than I ever have. I feel that I am consciously creating the life I want. It's truly amazing!”

Lori Simpson


“Heather has made a big impact in my day-to-day perspective, my marriage, and all my relationships. She has challenged my thinking and self-limitations in ways no one has. I could tell from day one, she really cared about me and my family and wanted to help. It took a lot of hard work from me and my husband, but our time with Heather has changed our marriage greatly. She is honest and won't listen to excuses; she does a great job of sifting through the surface issues to get to the root of the conflict. Then she builds you up by enforcing respect, confidence, and a positive outlook. I am able to see my husband for who he is and honor that each day while honoring my own values and goals. I am in control of my own happiness and feel much more fulfilled in everything I choose to do. Thank you for your constant support and for sharing your endless knowledge!”

Jamie Simpson


“If you're ready and willing to put in the work to love yourself, your partner, and your marriage to the best of your abilities, then Heather is the person for you. She does extremely well with listening, explaining, and giving you an unbiased fresh perspective on the issue at hand. She's prompt, professional, relatable, and unequivocally passionate about helping others. Heather has helped revitalize the communication in my marriage and I couldn't be happier. Thank you!”


Who Is The Relationship Sanctuary For?

  • Those seeking solace, growth, and transformation in themselves first and matters of the heart and life including business, career, finances, and health. 
  • Those who want to strengthen their relationship and form the deepest commitments.
  • For those looking to repair their current relationship.
  • For those embarking on the journey of dating, which can be confusing, soul-crushing, and leave you filled with anxiety.
  • Those healing from past wounds or transitions like divorce or a breakup.
  • This is for those longing for deeper connections, struggling with unresolved issues from the past, or seeking guidance in nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships.
  • We embrace individuals and couples from all walks of life, offering support, resources, and a nurturing environment where you can explore and evolve at your own pace.
  • Those yearning to rediscover joy and fulfillment in their relationships.
  • Those seeking healing and closure from past traumas.
  • Those ready to love, the person looking back at them in the mirror.
  • Those seeking a supportive community to share their journey.
  • The Relationship Sanctuary is here to empower and uplift you.

Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth together.

Feeling More Of Love: Testimonials...

Kevin & Sarah Barker


“After a 20-year marriage, we thought it was over. Huge stress, blame, no real communication and little understanding of what it really takes to make a marriage work was taking a huge toll on our lives and marriage. We had a wonderful family and from the outside, it looked like we had the perfect marriage, on the inside, it was much different.

We were stuck not knowing what to really do. Once we connected with Heather it all started to click. She worked with each of us individually and also together to help us both see what it takes to have and maintain a wonderful marriage. It takes work!!

Heather is not some school book-taught therapist that hasn’t lived the lessons she teaches. She’s been through so much that helps her completely understand our issues. We both appreciated the fact that Heather truly tells it like it is and never holds anything back. 100% truth sometimes hurts initially but in the end, it’s what’s best.

Heather has helped each of us individually to find who we each truly are, what our wants needs, goals, and dreams are. She helped bring back the connection and the passion we once had!! It’s even better than it ever was!

We like to say we are on “MARRIAGE 2.0”!!

If it wasn’t for Heather we would be done, it’s really as simple as that. Thank You for so much support, your guidance and so much love.”

Kevin and Sarah Barker

Jason Dietrich

“When I had my first call with Heather, my life was crashing down all around me. I felt like a passenger, along for the ride while everything around me was descending into chaos. I was blind to what was happening right in front of my eyes. My wife had shut herself off from me, both emotionally and physically, and was engaging in multiple affairs at work. We lived in a great house in a wonderful neighborhood, but we were drowning in debt. I was miserable and it was affecting my relationship with my children. I thought my life was over and I was in deep despair.

Through my work with Heather, I rediscovered myself and got my voice back. The fog lifted and I could see things clearly, perhaps for the first time. I was being manipulated by my lying and cheating spouse, and being blamed for everything wrong with our relationship while I fought desperately to repair it to keep our family together. My friends and family supported me, but they saw the physical, mental, and emotional toll this was having on me. They tried convincing me to leave the relationship but Heather gave me the tools and strength to exhaust every last option before making that decision.

The marriage did not survive but it was not for lack of trying on my part and Heather was my champion. I still believe that the relationship could have been saved, but it takes two people to make a marriage and all my effort was only met with more resistance from my wife. I can walk away knowing that I did everything I could and with my integrity intact, and that is a direct result of Heather's support and encouragement.

Now that I am moving forward with my life, Heather continues to be my biggest supporter and takes as much pleasure in my victories as I do. I am astounded when I think about how far I have come and how much I have grown in such a short period of time. Heather supported me, pushed me, held me accountable, and without her help I would be still stuck in the sunken place I had been living in. I am incredibly grateful for everything she has done to help me, and I am so happy knowing she will help many others.”

UPDATE: Jason is getting married! 

Carol K


"Heather Is the most incredible transformation coach I’ve ever worked with. My whole life completely changed after coaching with Heather and continues to change in the best ways day after day. Come ready to do the work and you will not miss your old life again! Heather is an asset and inspiration who truly cares, is compassionate, honest, trustworthy, has a passion for helping/healing, understanding and has an intuition like no other. You want a coach who has done the work on themselves and in turn is truly there for you, rooting for you all the way. Words can’t really describe her and her coaching method. I am so grateful I made a choice to change my life and I chose the perfect coach!  My life changed in the most incredible ways. This is the best gift you will ever receive. Thank you from my whole heart!" 



What are you waiting for? The time to live the life you deserve is NOW!

  • Community Mentorship with me, Heather ($20,000 value)
  • Weekly Live Circle Calls ($2,000 value)
  • Monthly Live Teaching Calls ($500)
  • Meditations, Challenges, Super Challenge, Book Club, Office Hours ($3000 value)
  • Bonus Workshops, discounts on courses and retreats ($10,000 value)



MOST POPULAR-2-Months Free

  • Community Mentorship with me, Heather ($20,000 value)
  • Weekly Live Circle Calls ($2,000 value)
  • Monthly Live Teaching Calls ($500)
  • Meditations, Challenges, Super Challenge, Book Club, Office Hours ($3000 value)
  • Bonus Workshops, discounts on courses and retreats ($10,000 value)

Heather Carter


Hello, I am the CEO and founder of The Relationship Sanctuary and HC Coaching & Consulting. I am thrilled that you found your way here. 

I am an authority on positive relationships, a Certified Life and Business Coach through The International Coaching Federation, a Published Author, Workshop Leader, and Founder + CEO of HC Coaching & Consulting. I am also a Single Mother of three hugely successful young adults.

Besides studying Psychology at DePaul University, for the last 25 + years, I have voraciously investigated, studied, and absorbed every piece of psychology, personal development, and spiritual enlightenment material I could.

I have changed the lives of countless women and men around the globe, dealing with relationship issues, anxiety, career issues, depression, & trauma. All of those things wreak havoc on the relationship. 

I have helped couples reconcile through healing and reconfiguration, not amputation.

I have guided women and men through painful divorces and breakups. 

I know emotions can be a rollercoaster ride, from fear to hope and everything in between. Through exploration, commitment, the introduction of new thought processes, and action steps, my clients embark on a journey to achieving the best version of themselves possible and, in turn, a thriving and loving marriage. 


Because everything I teach has been proven to create life-changing and lasting healing and change in individuals, relationships, and every area of my client's lives. 
Yes! I'm Ready To Change My Life!

It sometimes takes years to understand what has happened to us, to make sense of it, to see the lesson, the reason, and embrace it. Our job is to go with it while continuing to learn and grow and think about our choices and where they will lead before we make them! I got you...

I'm 100% Ready To Change My Life

And Even More Love: Testimonials...

Katharine Wilson


"Heather helped me find my true happiness and true self by loving me, and challenging me to believe in my own self-worth. She helped improve every relationship I hold dear- my self, my marriage, and my family. If you’re ready to dig deep, resolve all excuses, and change your life, she’ll coach you to it."

Ashley Lindsey


“Hard to express what Heather brought into my world and that of my children! Let’s just get real for a moment: when a mother takes a step to heal and grow it adds tremendous value to her children’s lives! 

I happened upon her Instagram page during one of the most difficult years of the past decade. Something about her words and mission landed deep. I knew I had to dig deeper if I wanted to get through this difficult period stronger and with HOPE. Heather’s energy and vivaciousness for life are contagious. And yet it was her wisdom of experience and living life which sealed the deal. A little back story: I’m over here raising two younger children, recently went through a divorce, sold the home we all loved and am moving forward. It’s not easy by any means but after working with Heather I am hopeful of our future! Of where my path is taking me. Of truly trusting in the flow of life for the first time in years and years!!"